I recently got news of a local woman whose Yorkshire Terrier escaped while she was in the hospital. Someone turned the dog into an animal shelter in Clarks Summit, and the dog was adopted by another woman.
I feel very much for the woman who lost her dog. If it were me, I'd want my friends helping me get my dog back, that's for sure!
They have released this photo of the dog, and I'm reposting the text of the flyer here in case anyone can help. If you know the person who adopted this dog, or you have any information, please contact the number below. Her Mommy wants her to come home. I think we can all relate to that!
My name is Baby P and I was adopted from the shelter in Clarks Summit at the end of 2009 by a woman who is employed at UPS. I am a chubby little Yorkie who has a broken heart. I have been trying to get back to my Mommy. I miss her and I know she is heartbroken and devastated. She didn't even know I accidentally got away. She was in the hospital. When she found out, she made countless amounts of effort to have me returned. I have been on a confusing journey and now that you saw the ads my Mommy has been placing, why won't you reunite me with her? I want to go home with my favorite toys in my comfortable bed and most of all, I want to play with my brother and sister. My Mommy does not deserve this pain. She cries every day and night and I need to be with her!
I appreciate that you got me out of the "humane society" and I do like you, but you know that I do not belong here and my Mommy is grieving and my home is with her and my family. If the situation was reversed, wouldn't you want your family member back? Please have a heavy heart and compassion.
Call my Mommy at 570-941-0722 or 570-878-6121
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